Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday Night at the "Drive In"

Shane and I have been wanting to go see a movie for a while now and on Thursday, his mom was going to come over so we could sneak away. She ended up having a really bad headache and couldn't make it over. I was a bit bummed but know how this is. While I was at work, Shane called the drive-in and made plans on us going there instead. Shane and I have lived here for 7 years now and never been to the drive-in. Ian and Anna have never experienced this either. We were all excited. It rained and we thought we may have to wait for this as well but it all worked out. We made a bed in the back for the kids. Added some games, snacks, and their movies and we were off. We got to see two movies, bring our own food and drinks, and have the kids all for $12.00. It was great. Problem: Ian and Anna were up till 11:00-11:30ish. (I think they must have been excited.) and I didn't get to bed till about 2:30. It was worth it. I think we may make this a Heath Family thing. There was plenty of room in the party bus for those of you who want to join!

Kids waiting for the movie to start.

Ian took this picture of us.

Shane and Anna wait.

Movie time.

By the end of the night.

Monday, July 23, 2007

My Colton!

Last week Lori came over with baby Colton and the kids were thrilled. They just love Colton and want to hold him and see him all the time. Recently, Anna has been into being "mommy" and her dolls so this was extra special for her. She wanted to hold Colton so I let her and then she became mean. She was giving me the look and holding on to him so tight when I tried to pick him up. Once I pried him from her grips she began growling at me and anyone else who got in her way. This is just the beginning for dear old Colton. Hope they don't start dating she would be the most possessive girlfriend in the world. Phil's nightmare only reversed.

I saved the pictures on a disc and couldn't get them to flip....sorry.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

New form of Punishment

I have invented a new form of punishment for my kids.

Unfortunately, it looks like more torture for Uno than the kids.
Annual Lake Party

Every year Shane's dad has a big lake party. All the family gets together for fellowship and yummy camp fire food. This year Matthew and Caroline came up and the kids had fun playing together.
This is Ian and Alex going on an adventure. They had their "boat" all packed and were hunting for Sharks.

Here is their "BIG catch."

I just think this picture of Anna and Caroline in black and white is precious. They played well together and even went on their own adventure catching sharks.

It was a great time for all and we look forward to next year.......

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


This weekend my brother and sister-in-law were home so my sister threw a cook-out. It was such a hot day so we let the kids play on the slip-n-slide. This turned into cuts of water being thrown at each other. Jill and I decided to run to walmart for water balloons and squirt guns. By the time we got back to the house the kids were resting but we quickly got them going. Nic and Jason were on the back porch talking so I filled a few balloons and Kim filled the squirt guns up so Garrett and Ian could do a sneak attack. Somehow (KIM) Nic, Jason, and Tailur ended up with guns and balloons and the fight was on. Before we knew it, Dad was in the fight as well. It was a blast and everyone seemed to have fun....that is except Princess Anna who did not want to be squirted.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Momma in the making.

Last night as I sat on the couch I observed the cutest thing. Anna was on the floor with her baby. She had the wipes out and I could tell she was trying to get babies clothes off. Eventually she did and she proceeded to wipe the babies butt, then head, then face and so on. Then she laid the baby down to get more wipes because the dozen she had out were not enough.
OK, so she needs some help but she is well on her way to being a great Mommy some day.
Loving the Lake

Shane's family has a lake house about 40 minutes away from our home and we are blessed to be able to go up whenever we have free time. With Shane's schedule it is hard for him to make it up but the kids and I have taken advantage of this. Recently, sand was added to the beach and the kids spend hours just playing there. They really are brother and sister and it cracks me up to watch them. One minute they are best friends and the next worst enemies. Can't tell in these pictures cause they put on their Angel faces.

Little Girls and Dresses

I was never much of a girly girl growing up. Hard to believe, I know. And, I always said if I have a girl I will never do that to her. But, I can't seem to help myself. It is so much fun dressing her up, doing her hair, and then taking lots of pictures cause she is so darn cute. Here are some of the pictures I got. The blue dress is from Grandpa and Grandma Jenni. It is adorable and the blue really brings out the color of Anna's eyes. Aunt Kimmie got her the pink and green dress (like when she was born). She says she can't help herself either.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Take me out to the ballgame....

Alright, I love my nephews dearly and so I had to share these cute pictures of Garrett (G'baby).

Garrett playing 1st base.
Getting his medal.
Garrett and Coach.
Proud parents ("superstar" pose from Garrett)
Favorite part of the game: snack.

Future MLB star?