We entered Anna into the Baby Idol contest for WMEE and she made it into Round 2. This is so exciting. (for me anyhow). We need you all to go to and vote for our little princess. Voting for Round 2 is only open form 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. on May 29 and May 30 only. Don't wait - VOTE NOW!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Oh the places you will go......
Ian Scott has graduated from Pre-School. What's next? Kindergarten and the SCHOOL BUS! He is so excited and can't wait to ride the bus. In fact, on the way to school the last day he asked "do I get to go to kindergarten tomorrow?" No summers off for him.
For graduation each class sang songs from a Disney movie. Ian's class had Pinocchio. They were all so cute and Ian just smiled and smiled. After their songs, they went out and put on their caps and gowns. Each class came back in and marched up on stage. Their names were called and they were given their diploma by their teacher. It was the cutest thing. My Dad asked if I had cried at all. Maybe a little but he said to use the excuse that they had it so hot in there that my eyes were sweating - so that's my story and I sticking to it.

Afterwards, we all got pictures with the graduate.
Grandpa and Grandma Jenni

Uncle Eric


Proud Parents

Mrs. Palumbo & Mrs. Zerns (Ian's teachers)

Anna did not want her picture and laid down on the pew to pout about it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Who's Who?
Shane went to a Birthday Party at his brother Eric's home not too long ago. As part of the surprise, he dressed up in a goofy costume. He had his hat, mustache, sun glasses, a cut-off tuxedo t-shirt, and a pair of daisy dukes......It was pretty. He has not allowed me to take a picture of the entire costume but this was enough. I took one of him and one of Ian....
Can you tell me who's who?

Aunt Kimmie's Princess
If you didn't know, Aunt Kimmie has wanted a girl in the family for some time. She tends to spoil miss Anna and now Anna thinks she is a Princess. Because she is a Princess, she needs cool shoes, purses, clothes and make-up.
When Anna was 11 months old or so, Aunt Kimmie found this crown that Anna just had to have. It has been sitting in her room for years collecting dust. Recently Anna took it down and wore it all day long. It was so cute that I had to get some pictures.
Presenting Princess Anna

Blowing kisses to Aunt Kimmie

Smelling the flowers in her kingdom

Let us not forget the Prince - Ian

Monday, May 12, 2008
Indy Mini
Two weekends ago Shane and I ran in the Indy Mini. We drove down Friday and got there in time to have dinner with Dad and Cindy. They made reservations for us at a yummy Italian restaurant. We ate and then returned to the hotel for an early bed time. The hotel was not the greatest place we've stayed but not the worst either (for the last place we could get within a half mile of the start/finish) it was just what we needed. We woke early Saturday morning, had our breakfast and walked to the start. On the way we had to stop for a "potty break" and were not sure we would make it to the start in time. Right then, they announced that we had two minutes to get there or we would not be able to start - amazingly, the lines got REALLY short. People scattered like rats to get to their starts. We made it in line just as our group was leaving and actually saw our friends and family. It was great.
The race itself was so packed and crazy. So many people and fans. We spent most of the 13 miles weaving in and out of people. Our goal was to run under 2 hours. We did awesome at pacing and finished in 1:58. Normally when we run together, we will get a block away from home and Shane will say lets race - CANNOT beat him. At the 12 mile I asked if this was the plan. He was tired and said "no." Jokingly I said "Do you want to hold my hand as we cross the finish line?" You can imagine my surprise when he said "yeah." We did to. Feet crossed the mat at the same time. We then got to thinking that if one of us had crossed the start first we could still have different times - we checked and had the exact same time. However, for the overall finish, they put Shane first - oh well.
Shane's Protection

After the race we met up for dinner with our friends and then had a night on the town. It was so much fun. I look forward to doing this again next year. Maybe, I can talk some other people into it and have a bigger group/party.
The girls: Erin, Ashlie, Me, Jen, and Mel

The boys: Shane, Chad, Neal, Brent, Lee, Eric, Kyle, and Ben

Dad and Cindy sent these two pictures to me. I think they are news clippings. You can see him and Cindy behind the camera on the first one (dad has sun glasses on and Cindy a grey shirt)

In this one you can see Dad and Cindy and Jen (other side of the camera) leaning to see the finish. I hope you can zoom in on these pictures. Click on it maybe?

Thanks for all of the support. It was needed and appreciated.
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