Household Update.
It has been getting harder to update my blog - Sorry. I am doing the best I can. I wanted to let everyone know the important things. Ian has started full tackle football and loves it. Shane is the coach and the team is sponsored by DeKalb Chiropractic Center (DCC Baby). Each team is also given an NFL name - Ian's only comment on this was "I hope we don't get the Cowboys." We didn't. Actually, we are the REDSKINS!!!!! Here are some pictures of recognition night at the high school game and the first few games. His next game is Saturday at 3:30. It is fun to watch come on out and cheer the skins on.

Anna has also started Ballet lessons with Miss Ashlie. She loves it. Wont show us what they do in class and doesn't know why the other kids call Ashee Miss Ashlie - that is not her name. She is by far the smallest in the class and we are having the worst time finding outfits that fit her. Oh well.