Sharing our lives with family and friends.
(a church in the middle of the busy city)
(Downtown - this is a list of all the winners of the Boston Marathon)
The hotel bar tender gave us some spots to hit while we were out. First we went to the Beantown pub. This little pub was across the street from where Samuel Adams is buried...so we had a Sam Adams there. They also have the best chicken fingers with a honey mustard sauce - so our bar tender said. They were great. I hate mustard but this was good. Our waitress there has the thickest accent - I wanted to take her home. From there we went to Kensale - another Irish pub for dinner. It was neat and we had fun there. I didn't really want to take my camera out so we took Kim's. She has these pictures. I need to get them from her.
(We found the finish line and had to stop and pose)
We had to get a Celtics sweatshirt for Shane's boss and were told to go to the Pro Shop at the Garden. We were instructed to take the subway this many stops inbound. This was a first for us all but it was fairly easy. We got to the Garden and found the perfect shirt. While we were there his boss asked if we could get his wife a Boston Marathon tank top. This meant we had to go all the way back to the crowed expo. So Nic and Kim went to China Town while Shane and I headed back to the expo. It was not bad at this time and there were tons of sales since it was the last hour/day for the expo.
(the Garden)
Monday was the race. I had to get on the bus to go to the start at 6:30 a.m. My race did not start until 10:30 a.m. I would say my stay in Athletes Village consisted of me waiting in line for the wonderful port-a-pots. Yeah three hours. I went once and then got right back in line thinking I would have to go again by the time I got there...I did. For the start you walk about a half mile down the road and then try to get in your corral. By the time we got to the start we had to sprint through yards just to get to our spots in time. It was already packed with fans and runners.
(waiting on the bus to Athlete's Village in the morning - don't I look excited.)
The race started and I picked up on a few things very quickly. One: the hills were much bigger than what I anticipated. Two: the fans were there to have fun to. They lined the street the entire 26 miles just wanting to give you high fives and encouragement. Three: the runners were there to have fun to. Runners were taking pictures, stopping to talk with family and some were dressed a little crazy. There was Abe Lincoln, a man in a pink body suit and tutu and a wand. My sister said she saw a guy in his 70's or so with "Don't pass this I'm not in your age group" wrote on the back. Four: This was going to be the biggest race of my life.
(Right after the race. Don't squeeze too much, I gotta go.....) It was a great trip. Boston is a great city. There were some things we didn't get to do and some we did. I did have a beer at the bar in Cheer's. We wanted to yell NORM at the next guy to walk in but thought better of it. There was a ton going on in Boston that weekend - the Celtics were home, the Bruins were home and Red Socks were home - Plus the marathon. It was busy.
(the welcoming home committee)
While we were walking past Emerson College one day, Shane told us to stop. As we stood there, the players from the Chicago Bulls team came walking out. I got a picture of their backs mostly cause we didn't want to be "pushy fans". You may recognize the TALL one as Noah.
To see race pictures, you can go to www.marathonfoto.com Pick the 2009 Boston Marathon as your event. It will then ask you to put in my last name and bib number: Heath 15398
Keep in mind they are not pretty