September update
This is what it has come to. Getting my blog updated any way possible. I have been training with Team In Training for one month now and have been blessed to have raised $1,800. I cannot even imagine what LLS can do with this money. BUT - I still have $2,000 to reach my goal in 5 weeks. So, I need you to all think of anyone you can, pass my letter to them and remember every little bit helps.
Other than this Ian has started football and LOVES it. Not only is he still aggressive but this year he actually gets the game. He is dangerous - LOL. He is on the same team as his school buddies Landon and Krue. He is on the Colts Team this year which is not bad...At least we aren't the Cowboys he says. 

Anna started school last week. She missed the first day because she was sick but was quick to make up for it. She seems to like it and they haven't kicked her out yet - it's only a matter of time. You all think I am joking but I AM NOT. Just look at that smirk...I mean smile. 

Over Labor Day weekend we went to the lake with some friends. The kids had a blast and the parents acted like kids. The "men" took the kids tubing only so they had an excuse to get out there and beat each other up. Not sure why that is still so much fun.

I had a garage sale this weekend and had tons of stuff. I have not gotten rid of anything since I was pregnant with Ian. I did well but have tons left. The kids went through the toys I don't know how many times taking things back into the house and I swear Anna was stalking some shoppers. Thought she was going to give some shoppers her "what for" if they picked up one more of "her" things. Ian was allowed to keep some tools he found. 

Not sure what I am forgetting but I will get it in the next time I guess.