Our dear little Anna is now 9 1/2 months old. I know time flys when you're having fun right. She had her "well baby" check-up on Friday and is

Anna has been crawling for some time now. She also pulls up and is starting to bend over to pick things up. Every once in a while she will let go and stand on her own. She loves her cheerios and gets mad if she runs out of them. She will pound on the table and scream until you get her more. That is all part of the "sassy" attitude she is developing. She has also started using a sippy cup and does well with that. Say good bye to the bottle. Bath time is a favorite. If she isn't taking one she will crawl in the bathroom and try to climb in with whomever is.

She is constanly on the move and hates it when you make her lay still to do anything...change her and so forth. Taking things away from her is a sure fire way to get her going. Not much seems to bother her. Shane and I are so happy watching her and Ian grow. We thank God daily for these two little angels.
Love love love the picture of Anna and Lexy! Anna is getting so big. We need to get together soon before Ian and Anna are adults! Seriously, that's how fast I feel time is going.
I just love the pictures. Its an easy and fun way for me to keep up with my neice and nephew. I cant beleive how much I have missed and I have only been gone for a little over a month now. Love you and miss you all. LaTesa
Great stories & pictures. It was fun having them with us this weekend. They are truly lil angels.
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