This year for Thanksgiving we went to Shane's Grandpa's home. This was the first year in my life I have not been to my Grandmother's and was a bit bummed about it. With both of us working and such we thought it would be easier. I am glad we did it that way. Grandpa J told us many times how thankful he was to have the whole family together.

There is a swinging gate. We all thought it was fun to spin Ian around and around than then watch him walk to us. Yeah we aren't right. Did you really think we were. This is Popaw spinning Ian on the Gate.
There were two things Ian loved most of all. They Maypole and the big hill. This next picture is Popaw pushing Ian on the maypole. He loved it and if you look close, you can see his HUGE smile. He giggled the whole time he spun around until he "needed a break."
At the back of Grandpa J's property the land goes downhill into some woods and a pond. Ian loved running down the hill as fast as he could. He didn't fall at all, suprisingly. At one point, him and Uncle Eric had to pick weeds so they were not in the way when he ran down. Don't ask.
Throughout the weeds there were those flowers that you make a wish on and then blow and if you get all the little seeds off your wish comes true. Well Ian brought me one and I wished he would give me a kiss. Then I blew with all my might and got them all off and yelled with excitement "my wish came true" as he kissed me. He looked at me so serious and said "My wishes never come true." I asked him what he normally wished for and he told me that "Batman was real." I told him he just needed to keep wishing....I think Daddy may have to buy a Batman suit soon.
Thursday night my sister came up and spent the night with me. Then at 4:30 a.m. we left the house to go shopping friday morning. This was a first for me. My sister explained the rules to me on the way to Ft. Wayne. You push and shove if you have to, you don't apologize, and you get what you came for and get out. Anything else wastes time. PRECIOUS TIME! I actually had a ton of fun and I think my sister and I may go again...eventually with Anna. The only thing we missed was the boys to carry all of our bags.
On Friday evening we went to Shane's mom's for Thanksgiving dinner. It was great and Anna pigged out on the turkey. She looked as though we never feed her. After dinner the kids were playing and climbed into the toy box at Mema's. It was so cute.
On Sunday we then went to Shane's father's home for home made pizza. It was so good. Grandpa J was there and was pulling quarters out of Ian's ears, nose, and chin. Ian says "I didn't know Grandpa J had magic in his hands."
I love spending time with family. Wish we could do it more often.