Build A Bear
On Sunday Ian, Anna, and I met Aunt Kimmie and Garrett at Build A Bear. It was so much fun. The kids loved it and so did Kim and I. It was nice to spend time with my sister since we don't usually get "out" together. For those of you who have not been to Build A Bear here is how it works...

Frist you pick the animal you want. Garrett got a Giraffe, Ian picked a Tabby Cat, and Anna selected a Bunny.

Next you select the sound you want your animal to make, if any. Ian's cat growls like a lion and I think Garrett's giraffe giggles.

At the next station you get to stuff your animal. They actually let the kids step on the pedal that makes the machine blow the stuffing into the animal. As you can see, this was a fun part for both boys.

When the animal is almost stuffed, they pick a heart, rub it for luck, kiss it for love and Garrett had to jump three times for energy so his giraffe could keep up with him. Then it goes into the animal.

The animals are then given a bath and dressed.

Ian picked a Batman costume, Garrett a Pacers uniform and Anna a T-shirt that says "Fashion Princess."

Here are the finished products. Ian is the proud father of Bat Cat. Garrett of Jerry and Anna Lola. Thanks Aunt Kimmie! This was such a fun idea.

By the time we created three new lives, we were all tired and ready for a nap. On the way out Aunt Kimmie found this crown that Anna just had to have and we got the kids together for a picture.
Grandma Cindy smiles and says "that looks like it was fun!" I have met Jerry and he's quite a character. I can't wait to meet Bat Cat and Lola.
batman ian and princess anna
the fit is perfect!
You are starting Anna out right with her own crown--alll princesses need crowns
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