Happy Holidays!!!!
It has been such a busy holiday season once again. I have so many pictures and stories to share but will spare you all and share the favorites.
Shane had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas so we decided that when he got home Christmas morning (5:30 a.m.) we would cook for the Officers on 3rd and 1st shift. After that Shane's family was coming over to have breakfast as well and then we would do presents and such. Shane wanted to place the trees under the tree when he got home so you can imagine my shock when I heard little feet at ten till 5. I got up after hearing Ian return to bed and put the presents out just in time for him to come down ready for Christmas. He had to wait 2 1/2 hours to open presents and it was killing him.
I guess we should go back a little bit to share that they got to see Santa. However, Ian sat there smiling and wouldn't tell Santa what he wanted. He says it is because Anna ate his list and he couldn't remember.

There were so many presents with the whole family and Santa that the kids had a long morning.

Ian got many new Batman, Spiderman, Power Ranger toys. Anna was lucky enough to get clothes....a girls second best friend.
After all of this, the kids took a break together before having to rush out the door to get to Grandma Kunkel's Christmas at noon.
We went to Shane's Dad's (Harry) on Tuesday and then my Dad's and a wedding this past Saturday. The kids got so many new things it is embarassing. I guess they are loved.
This is a picture of Ian standing by the tree Christmas morning. If you look at him, it appears as though his Angel has her wing on his back....a hug maybe?
1 comment:
Sounds like a busy and fun Christmas! Loved that you cooked breakfast for the officers. So nice!!
I know what you mean about the kids getting so many presents it's embarrassing. Now to find room for everything...hmmm.
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