First Sleepover.
After getting his new bed, Ian was so excited to have his cousin, Garrett, over to try it out. They played so well in his room...making forts, pretending to be "good/bad guys" and doing what boys do. When it came time to sleep, Garrett wanted to sleep with Ian and Lexy on the bottom bunk. So he climbed into the bottom bunk and for about an hour I heard them upstairs giggling and playing instead of sleeping. Having two sisters I know how much there is to talk about once in bed. So I let them go. They were not as excited in the morning when they had to get up early to go to church. I think they both had a great time and want to do it again soon. Did I mention that Garrett had 6 cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Lo
ve that kid!
Looks like so much fun! I love Ian's Spiderman PJs. Cousins are the best! And cinnamon rolls sound so good right now--I can almost smell them:)
That bed is cool. Looks like they had a blast !! Lexy too!!
what a perfect bed for the boyz!
Sleep-overs are the best! I always wanted a bunk bed growing up!
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