Thursday, June 21, 2007


When Anna was in the hospital last year friends of ours, Josh and Janet Hammer, got her this little blanket that has a duck head in the middle. At each corner of the blanket there is a little bow or knot. From the moment they met, the have been best friends. Duck Duck, as we call him, goes everywhere with Anna. She especially needs him at bed time. She will stick those corners in her mouth and suck on it till she falls asleep. Duck Duck takes a lot of baths and is looking a little old these days but they wouldn't have it any other way. I realized lately that she has this amazing friend that everyone who knows Anna has met but I didn't' have any pictures of them together. So this past weekend I took some.
When Anna gets sleepy she will carry Duck Duck around like this.
But look at Duck Duck's smile. They love each other.
This is how they sleep. See the corner in her mouth. Duck Duck has his head all snuggled up in Anna's arm.

They even watch cartoons together.

Aren't they the cutest pair you ever did see?


lori said...

ann loves her duck duck so much, it always makes me smile to see her with it, and thank god for duck duck, it sure does calm her too...right mommy

Anonymous said...

That is so adorable! It is so cute you caught pictures of her sleeping with it too! She will love to look back on those someday.

Erin & The Boys said...

This is so cute, Kelli!