Staying at Mema's
Staying at Mema's has become one of the kids favorite things to do. They get so excited and can't stop talking about it when they get home. This Saturday Mema took the kids overnight so Shane and I could go to a party. Her new house has a neighborhood pool that is three foot on one end so Ian loves it. He is all about practicing swimming on his own. Ray even had him diving for pennies on the bottom this time.

Mema and Ray's neighbor has a swing set and trampoline that the kids are allowed to play on when they come over. They like this and Ian does this funny little dance where he jumps around with his hands by his mouth and teeth out saying...."I'm the Easter Bunny looking for carrots." It is hilarious. 

When Shane and I got there on Sunday they all, Mema and Ray included, looked exhausted. I think Mema and Ray had just as much fun.

Looks like so much fun!
CUTE! i love grandparents
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