Youth For Christ Run/Walk
Every year since we have been up here, Shane and I have worked closely with the Youth For Christ program. With our jobs and what we see on a daily basis, it is such a relief to see people working for a good cause. They have various fund raisers throughout the year and running is my favorite, of course. Yes they do bowling to but lets face it (dad) I am a better runner. A few weeks before we were to run the first year Shane and I found out we were expecting. I went and ran anyway with baby Ian in my tummy. Every year since I have ran in it and so has Ian. Anna has also joined us - in the womb and out.
Ian loves to run, run, run, and Anna enjoyed herself as well. Ian got back in the stroller after a few laps (yeah he ran more than one) and told me he was too tired to keep running cause he had put on his double speed. Didn't know there was such a thing. I could have used that a time or two. I then had to make sure to catch everyone in front of us so we could win. Ian is such the competitor already. In fact, he thinks Anna runs to slow and she just needs to stay in the stroller. I tried explaining how she was still so small and eventually all four of us would be able to race. When I told him that I would win every time he said, "well, Daddy and I will lift weights and beat you and Anna." Bring it on. (Anna and I better get in the gym.)

After the hour run, they have fruit and water. Ian and Anna both had a banana and an apple. I took a picture of my two monkeys but forgot about my two piggies. One of the ladies asked me afterwards what my daughters name was. I told her Anna and she then asked if I had called her Anna J. I said yeah we always do. She then pointed to her daughter and said her name was Anna Janelle and they always call her Anna J. What are the chances?

It is a great time and if anyone is interested, let me know...
Your kids are beautiful. I can't tell you enough how I proud I am of you!
Very cool that you guys do this! Let us know about it next year. We might do it with you.
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