As you all know, we have the chance to attend the fair for two weeks in a row. We went to my sister (Aunt Kimmie's) Friday night and spent the weekend with them. Saturday morning I got to run in the Parlor City Trot while my family ate pancakes at the fair. No they did not save any for me but were all to glad to tell me how yummy they were. My race was good and I improved from last year by 4 minutes. I also won my age group (25-29) and my nephew, Tailur, stated that he had no idea I was "that old." Thank you Tate. This was only a warm up for my full marathon on October 20 but it was a good start.

After the race we went home to shower and nap and then returned to the fair so the kids could ride rides. Aunt Kimmie went with me, Ian, and Anna while Nic took Garrett. This was a first for Anna and she really seemed to like it. Her biggest problem was waiting until the ride started. She wanted to get up and walk around. On the clown ride she was actually putting her arms up in the air like the bigger kids. When we went to our fair this week she didn't really want o go on any rides. The batteries in my camera died so I didn't get very many pictures this week.

The one ride Ian wanted to get on with Garrett was the "Castle of the Dead. (Nice)" He was not tall enough but we told him to get in line anyhow and maybe they would let him go with Garrett. He got up to the ride and thought he was too small so got out of line. At the last minute we put him on with Nic's nephew, Jordan. Now while we are waiting there are kids coming out screaming and crying it was so scary. I was just scared to death that Ian would be scared and not know what to do with Jordan. I was at the exit with my camera ready to go though (Yeah mom of the year). He came out with his hands over his eyes peeking out through his fingers.

Said that he didn't want to see the scary stuff so he covered his eyes the whole time. Didn't see a thing.
Congrats on your improved time! That is great! I bet your guys are all "Faired-Out". We had fun with you at the parade. I'll send pictures of the kids soon.
That is a cute story about Ian covering his eyes.
Quit running! You're making me sick!
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