We had a great Christmas this year. This was the first year that Shane was home and we had no plans but being lazy.
Ian and Anna left Santa a note, cookies, hot chocolate and a candy cane. We took a family picture and it was off to bed.
I got up early and made breakfast. We ate together and then let the kids tear into their gifts. Santa wraps their presents in boy paper for Ian and girl paper for Anna so it is real easy for them to figure out who gets what. Anna was so cute this year. She'd begin to tear the paper off, take a big deep breath, and yell "What is it?" She is a slow unwrapper though. At one point she was putting down smaller presents for bigger ones and Ian, eventually, helped her unwrap the rest.
They honestly got more toys than any kid needs. We truly are blessed to have two babies and the ability to spoil them like we obviously do.
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