More fun in the snow.
Last weekend Ian finally got to go sledding. There is a park in our neighborhood with a HUGE hill that all the Auburn kids sled on. I took Ian with our sleds and climbed up to the top. Put Ian on his sled and asked if he wanted to go by himself....of course he did. I thought for sure he would be scared but he wasn't. He went all the way down laughing. On the back side of this hill it is steeper and there are homes, one of which has a fenced yard. Ian wanted to go down that side cause all the big kids were. I sent him down not thinking he'd make it to the fence or everyone knows you bail out before hitting I thought. He hit that fence so hard and I ran down to check on him. He looked at me and said in his most serious voice "I think my foot pushed up into my leg or something." I laughed but made him get up to walk hoping I hadn't just broke his leg. He was fine but as we were standing there talking, some random kid nailed me on his sled. I immedialty asked if he was OK and he said yeah and ran back up the hill to his father. NO SORRY or anything. After he left I 1) hurt and 2) was ticked because what if that were Ian and 3) a sorry or look out or something would have been nice and 4) the father was just yelling at him to hurry back up the hill. What in the world? Even after all this, Ian continued to have fun going down the hill until he went down, hit a bump, flipped his sled and got a face full of snow. That was enough for him. He has asked to go back and talks about how much fun it was.

That's awsome that Ian likes the big hills! They must be made of rubber to survive some of those crashes! We need to find a big hill close to our house - all we have are little ones. And when I was growing up we had the BIGGEST by our house - I want my kids to have that fun too!
I can totally picture Ian saying "I think my foot pushed up into my leg or something". Too funny!
he looks so darn cute buddled up! made me laugh
You might want to tell Ian the story of the time Pappy was sledding down the hill and the dog was standing in front of his path. To avoid hitting the dog he swerved on his sled just in time to hit a tree. Good Times, Good Memories....
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