Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day
This year for St. Patrick's Day we got to go out and have some fun with friends. Shane's mom kept the kids all night and we went to Columbia Street to watch Brett's Band "Synergy" play. We had a whole section reserved for officers and such and it was a blast.
This is Shane's brother's girlfriend Ashlee (and our next door neighbor). I had a ton of fun with her and hope she will be my sister-in-law some day.
Phil and Lori and Dawn and Joe went in our "party bus" and Jeff and Rachelle followed us down.
These are other friends we met down there.

Shane and Ash tune. This, of course, is
Brett on stage. Isn't he so cute. What a rock star.
This little old guy here with Lori was the talk of the bar. He was there
when we arrived at 8:00 and was there when we left at like 3:00 a.m. He had the best time just dancing and yeah hitting on all the ladies.


Erin & The Boys said...

Lee and I woke up Sunday and said, "Boy it feels good have a weekend doing nothing"...but after looking at how much fun you guys had, we are regreting not going :) Oh well, invite us when you go out again. We wont be party poopers next time!

lori said...

i luv the pic of old st pat himself! hehe
still cracks me up

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! That picture of the old guy and Lori cracks me up! You all look like you are having a ball.