Part 1: Jason and Jill's
My brother and sister-in-law moved to Moody, Alabama about 8 months ago. So on our way to Florida we stopped in for the weekend. We left at about 7:30 p.m. Thursday thinking the kids would sleep the 9 hour drive being fresh and ready to go Friday morning. DIDN'T HAPPEN! Ian slept for two hours and had an accident in his seat and on Shane, yes two. Within minutes. Guess he really had to go. As Shane was getting very angry I said to him "You wanted to drive Clark. This is your Griswold family vacation." He responded by saying "Yeah but Rusty never pissed on Clark." We had to explain to Ian how you can't wait till the very last minute like at home. He did very good the rest of the trip. Anna just couldn't get comfy and slept in like 20 minute intervals. They did much better during the day. Jason and Jill's new house is awesome and we had so much fun just being with them. We went to the Birmingham Zoo on Saturday and it had some cool exhibits. The Tiger spent the whole time right up at the glass and it seemed as though you were touching it. They had a little fountain thing where the kids could splash and play and also a big rock type park Ian loved. He was all about making new friends going right up to other kids and introducing himself - "I'm Batman." Hey what can I say.....his father's son.

There were these two really scary lions there. The one has a ferocious roar and the other has Anna's "look."
After the zoo, Jas took us to the top of this mountain where you could see the whole city. It was breath taking.
I would feed both of those lions!!
Looks like you guys had a great trip! You captured some great moments on camera. Two of my favorites are the lion with Ian's reflection...and Anna with big blue eyes and hands on her face...Adorable!
great pic's! what an adventure on the road
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