Part 2: Aunt Pam's
After leaving my brother's house, we headed to my aunt Pam and uncle Ron's home. We ended up having to change travel plans that morning because of the wild fires and I-75 being shut down. We have now driven clear across Georgia (length and width). Once getting there we headed for the beach. First day was raining and cold. Second try at it started out cloudy and ended up being a beautiful day. We spent most of the day there even eating a picnic lunch....REAL sandwich. The kids loved the water and we had to watch them very closely cause they would run right for it if not. There were storms so the waves were rough also. We built sand castles, buried Ian in the sand, wrote our names and looked for shells.

We also went to the Brevard County Zoo. This was a smaller zoo but very nice. It was not real crowed and had some cool exhibits. The giraffe's were cool. There is a platform at eye level where you can feed them treats. Ian loved this, Anna slept. They had a train that went around the zoo as well.

If you have been to Florida before you will know they have little lizards everywhere. My cousin's son Trey (the great white hunter) came over one day to help Ian catch one. Anna helped with this to. They did catch one but it's tail fell off setting itself free. Clyde, the neighbor, caught one for him and Ian named him Frankie. We had to set him free after Anna shook his box violently. Ian cried "I'm gonna miss you so much Frankie." Hey, we already have a frog, fish, and dog. Plus they wanted to catch a snake to send home with me. Ha.
In Clyde's back yard he has a gazebo that Anna loved to climb up in. These are some adorable pictures of her.

The beach looks wonderful! Wish I were there right now:)
i love that one pic of anna, too ornery, too cute
i also love that you could feed those animals like that
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