Thursday, June 21, 2007

Say Cheese

I am slacking lately but there is a reason for that. When we were in Florida I had to get a disposable camera and it still had pictures to take when we returned. I finished it off over Memorial Day weekend but still haven't developed them. I know....Anyhow, I was waiting to do that to post some pictures but realize it is taking me too long. So, here are some pictures of Ian the past month.

He finally got to fish for "real fish" instead of the rubber one he used last year and real bait. The worms didn't bother him one bit and he thought the fish were cool to. Now he will tell you he caught 5 fish his first time out but I think Daddy may have a different story. The little dog in this picture is Norm. He belongs to Aunt Tammy and he loves to fish to. We had to hold him back every time we reeled one in cause he wanted to catch it with his teeth.

These pictures are from this past weekend at the lake. Ian was going out on the boat with the boys and he looked so cute and grown up sitting there.

1 comment:

lori said...

i love the lake! good job ian catching your fish