This year we tried to make sure the kids (at least Ian) understood the true meaning or Easter. I think it went very well. Ian didn't burst into tears and I think he was excited about the whole story. (I am referring to our first "heaven" talk) They had a ton of fun coloring their eggs. We had to throw some of them out because Anna thought the idea was to smash them first.

On Sunday we rose bright and early to attend Church. We got there early enough to enjoy breakfast and fellowship with other church members. Afterwards, we cooked lunch for family and friends. This year we stayed at home instead of going to Grandma Kunkel's. It was a little sad but turned out great. Shane's Grandmother, Mother, and Brother came and our friends Brent and Jen and their kids, Madi & Bray. The day turned out nice enough that we could hide eggs outside and the kids loved it. They are so cute and play well together. Anna had all the help in the world instead of every kid for himself. 

Thank you God for sending us your son. It is unbelievable to me how any one could sacrifice so much.
Sounds like a great Easter!
Lauren loved coloring Easter eggs too! She had a hard time understanding everything about Easter. It is hard when we just had Christmas and Jesus was born, and now he is dead and comes back to life. Very confusing for a child:)
God Bless
Looks like a fabulous day! :)
Sophie asked me, "How can Jesus live in my heart and in Heaven?" How insightful! I said, "Well, He does. He is amazing!" I agree. Jesus' sacrafice is simply amazing. All for us! :)
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