Swim Lessons
Saturday was the start of our swim lessons. Ian is now in the "big kid" class where they actually start teaching them something. Anna is in the "little kid" class that Ian out-grew (so he says). They both really seemed to enjoy it either way. Ian told me over and over that he already knows how to swim under water but not on top. I explained that this is what they would teach him. At the end of his class the teacher had each kid jump in and then swim back to the wall. If they wanted her to catch them they had to tell her this. Ian was the last kid and the only one to say he didn't need her help. I freaked for a moment as my child jumped in all alone and sank. She moved to grab him just as he popped up and swam to the wall. He was fine. I was not. He did this again and I am getting used to the fact that he is not a "little kid" anymore.

Anna's class is just getting in and becoming familiar with the water. She is already familiar with the water and was jumping in and wanting to swim and do the things Ian was doing. I don't know if the many hours at the lake has helped her or if it is that she is not a "little kid" any longer as well. Either way, they both loved it and can't wait to go back. 

Krue just started swim lessons, too. I need to get Kiefer started as well. Cute pictures!
Swim lessons look like such fun! Need to get my kids to them!
Lauren started swim lessons too! It is nice to be able to get out of the house and do something. I'm ready for spring!!
Don't let Ian go to Pine Lake with Nic or Trent and the boys they will have him going off the high diving board!!!!!
Kel don't worry about Ian he is half superhero, remember? They look like they are having a good time and that is what it is all about!
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