Thursday, February 22, 2007

Look Out Villains

As you all know, Ian is really into super heroes and villains. He has Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles.....all of them. In his collection are these huge hands and feet that I believe are from a character in the Fab Four or something. Anyhow, you put them on and when you hit things they make a crushing sound. The other night, Shane and I were on the couch and we hear Anna coming down the hall yelling HiiYaa. (This is something she has picked up from Ian's Tae Kwan Do classes.) We really didn't think much about it until we saw that she had these hands on yelling that. She was ready to kick someones butt. Now, even though Ian tells her she is not Wonder Woman, I think she could be. All she needs is a cute costume and set her loose. Look and decided for yourselves.


Erin & The Boys said...

Your kids and superheroes! I think they are telling you they want to save the world in the future :)

Anna looks so cute with those HUGE hands.

My New Catholic Heart said...

How cute! What a great imagination!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Kimmis is all over the Wonder Woman outfit!!

Anonymous said...

She is so little and has those gigantic hands on. She definitely looks like a superhero! I bet Ian has fun with her.

Anonymous said...

I have a Wonder Woman costume, but it is probably way to big for her right now--but if I can find it, we can try it when you come down