Outdoor fun.
Do any of you remember being outside all day long growing up. I do. We always had so much fun playing house or riding bikes, or making movies, or whatever but it was outside. Shane working thirds forces me to be creative at times (weekends) so that the house is quiet for him to get some beauty sleep. This weekend it was a blustery day and so we flew Ian's kite. Anna even got to help. She really just wanted to play in the dirt...YEAH that's my girl. After this we played ball on the "big kid" field. Ian was the second baseman. He loved it. He really just wanted to play in the dirt to. So we left and went to the big park in a town over from us. Had only planned on playing for an hour but ended up staying two. We played hide-n-seek, super heroes, and swings. Anna ended up falling asleep on the swings and then I sat holding her watching Ian play. I was nice to have a break for reality and see things on a kids level. Anyone want to join me next time?
It is so nice being able to finally go outside!!
I remember the good ole days. My kids were bored the other day and I told them to go make mud pies because that's what I did when I was little. They did...for 2 HOURS!! They loved it. Then they played in the hose for another hour getting cleaned off. :) Should have took pictures huh??
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