Monday, January 05, 2009

Anna's 3rd Birthday.

For Anna's 3rd I decided that I was not going to spend hundreds of dollars on her photo.....I could do it myself. And that is just what we did. My friend Kelly and I took princess Anna to the site with three dresses in tow. She did AWESOME. We had guessed about 30 minutes tops but she lasted an entire 2 hours. Changing into different dresses, posing and smiling like she was a real princess. We ended up taking over 500 pictures....I know a bit much, but we were having fun. Problem now is sorting through them and picking a few. So far here are a few of my favorites:

Needless to say - I think we got a few good shots. Oh and if I can convince my husband, I will be quitting my day job.
Christmas has come and gone....
We had another great Christmas. Seeing family, laughing, catching up and all that goes with it. However, it does get a bit crazy with six of them to attend. YIKES is right. The kids got to see Santa just in time. This year Anna actually sat on his lap and Santa told Ian all about his dog named Lexy. He was so amazed that he knew her name and everything about her (we got Lexy from this particular Santa 6 years ago).
Our kids have to wait till after breakfast to open the presents under the tree. They can open anything in their stockings though. That usually holds them over for a while. This is them sitting by the tree after the chaos.
At Grandpa Harry's Christmas the girls watched every "princess" movie possible. They even had Anna talk Grandma in to some yummy popcorn. Anna also got another dress-up box and she wore this costume all evening.
With all the fun, I have to say I am a little glad things are getting back to "NORMAL" - whatever normal is.